Package esw


This submodule contains python APIs for the TMT Executive Software (ESW), including a Sequencer client and ESW Shell. See here for the ESW documentation.

You can find the csw-python sources on GitHub.

Note that all APIs here assume that the latest version of CSW services are running For example, during development, run: csw-services start.

The Python APIs mirror the ESW Scala and Java APIs. The classes usually have the same fields, with the difference that in some cases the Python types are simpler, due to less strict typing.

ESW Shell

The script provides an interactive shell with predefined imports where you can type in CSW and ESW commands. It is meant to be run from the top level csw-python directory. The following example publishes an event:

Wellcome to ESW Shell
>>> source = Prefix(Subsystems.CSW, "testassembly")
>>> eventName = EventName("myAssemblyEvent")
>>> param = DoubleKey.make("assemblyEventValue").set(42.0)
>>> paramSet = [param]
>>> event = SystemEvent(source, eventName, paramSet)
>>> pub = EventPublisher()
>>> pub.publish(event)

This is just an interactive Python session with the commonly used imports provided. You can add your own imports, etc. The following example submits commands to an assembly:

Wellcome to ESW Shell
>>> prefix = Prefix(Subsystems.CSW, "TestClient")
>>> maybeObsId = []
>>> param = IntKey.make("testValue").set(42)
>>> paramSet = [param]
>>> cs = CommandService(Prefix(Subsystems.CSW, "TestPublisher"), ComponentType.Assembly)
>>> setup = Setup(prefix, CommandName("longRunningCommand"), maybeObsId, paramSet)
>>> resp = cs.submitAndWait(setup, 5)
>>> resp
Completed(runId='6c476544-4e84-4f8f-b10a-8172576ef68d', result=Result(paramSet=[]))

The submitAndWait() method submits a command and waits, if needed for the final response. You can use plain submit() if the command returns a direct response. There are also asynchronous versions of some methods: queryFinalAsync() and submitAndWaitAsync(), that can be used in scripts using the async and await keywords.

async def foo:
    resp1 = await cs.queryFinalAsync(runId, 5)
    resp2 = await cs.submitAndWaitAsync(setup, 5)

ESW Sequencer Client

Assuming a sequencer is running, you can control it from Python using the ESW Sequencer Client (see SequencerClient):

sequencerPrefix = Prefix(Subsystems.ESW, "IRIS_ImagerOnly")
seqClient = SequencerClient(sequencerPrefix)
clientPrefix = Prefix(Subsystems.CSW, "TestClient")
maybeObsId = []
param = IntKey.make("testValue").set(42)
paramSet = [param]

def _makeSetup(name: str):
    return Setup(clientPrefix, CommandName(name), maybeObsId, paramSet)

setup1 = _makeSetup("Test1")
setup2 = _makeSetup("Test2")
setup3 = _makeSetup("Test3")
sequence = Sequence([setup1, setup2, setup3])
resp = seqClient.loadSequence(sequence)
assert (isinstance(resp, Ok))

The above code can also be copy/pasted into the Python based esw-shell ( See tests/esw/ for some examples.

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